Google Desktop Update
In 2004, Google launched Google Desktop, a program designed to make it easy
for users to search their own PCs for emails, files, music, photos, Web
pages a...
By: Michael Epstein
There is a great need to combine feeds... beyond what is offered now.
Feedity staff, notice that this is one of the most read pages on your
Mitra Wisaga
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Dot TK adalah hasil join venture dari Pemerintah Tokelau, sebuah negara di
Pasifik Selatan, perusahaan komunikasi negara tersebut Teletok, dan BV Dot
TK, s...
iGoogle launches canvas view
Posted by Dan Holevoet, Developer Programs
We're happy to announce the launch of the canvas view feature to iGoogle
users in the U.S., rolling out over the...
iGoogle launches canvas view
Posted by Dan Holevoet, Developer Programs
We're happy to announce the launch of the canvas view feature to iGoogle
users in the U.S., rolling out over the...